Sunday, February 7, 2010

SL Post 1

Hello everyone!

This week, I emailed Bianca regarding the sweatshop-free fashion show. I was thinking if we need a venue, the History Center where I volunteer rents rooms. I have no idea if the one room they have available now will be big enough though.

I am also looking for various places to volunteer in the global arena.

I am open to suggestions :D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The sweatshop-free fashion show sounds like something I would really like to participate in! As far as venues go, Ethos vegan kitchen downtown hosts a lot of things regarding exploitation within labor- they hosted a movie for mayday as well as had speakers from jobs with justice come and discuss labor issues in Orlando, which was really cool. Also they have a good sized outdoor patio that could work for a fashion show type thing.. and they definitely wouldn't charge us anything!
