Saturday, April 10, 2010

Service Learning-VOX Table

Throughout this semester I have tabled with VOX many times. On April 10th I volunteered to table for VOX for a GLBT conference held at UCF. We were there to show our support of the GLBT Community. We gave our information about safe sex, sexuality, and gave out free condoms.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Service Learning-Natura

I attended the NOW Natura Benefit to help support NOW! It was great!


I am currently compiling a manual for a counter-action to the Genocide Awareness Project that visits the campus each year, and which I protested this past year as part of my service learning. I am also heavily involved in the fashion show that is also being worked on by Bianca and Lindsey. The NOW benefit is tonight, and I am going now to cut flyers I have printed to advertise for the fashion show to pass out tonight.

Service learning Update!

Take back the night was a great success! I definitely wish that there would have been a greater turnout though. That's one of the things i hope to work on for next year, through advertising in creative new ways and advertising for a long time before the event, I hope to get more than just our usual progressive community out there to support the cause. I feel like everything went off pretty smoothly though and that there really wasn't anything bad that happened. the planning the entire week up until the event was extremely hectic and I almost lost my mind... but kept thinking about how this would definitely benefit the UCF community and that it was so worth it. Next year I hope to get funding from SGA and maybe have it be an even larger event on campus. I think it's making it's way to that point since this will now be the 3rd annual one coming up, but there is still plenty of work to be done! Up next? Making all of the certificates of appreciation for everyone who came out and supported us by tabling and speaking at our event. WHEW! Can't believe the semester is almost over!

Monday, April 5, 2010

SL-Clothesline Project

I am involved in more than one form of activism for my service learning.
Last year I worked with UCF Victim Services on the clothesline project and I decided to work with them again this year.
Last week I went to the training and Charolette Hewkin asked me to speak at the training to tell people about the experience I had last year.
This week is the first week of the clothesline project and we will be in front of the student union on wednesday at a table with UCF Victim Services. The clothesline project is a form of consciousness raising where survivors of violence can paint shirts. We then hang the shirts in the student union so that everyone can see them. April is sexual violence awareness month which is why the project occurs at this time of the year.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

SL PRoject

Hey All I can't believe that we are almost done with the semester. This past week I ran a basket raffel it was extremely fun and very profitable. I do not have a total as of yet but I know that it is over 200 dollars. I can't wait to turn in the money and add up what we have raised for the great cause. Hope everyone is having just as much fun and doing well see you in class
