Friday, March 5, 2010

SLing Post 3

I believe this is my third post--I've been sort of forgetful about my posting, but I really wanted to talk about the International Women's Day Panel Discussion event that happened yesterday. The panel was really diverse & knowledgeable (AND it included two of our own classmates, Kevin & Ross, both of whom were absolutely excellent). The topics were really varied and the panel's answers and perspectives were varied as well.

Don't get me wrong, everyone was incredibly respectful, but it didn't become a nod-fest where everyone agreed with each other; there were a few healthy debates that went on, and we unpacked a lot of issues. I actually think nearly everyone in the audience spoke and gave their opinion as well.

There was a definite global perspective taken on the discussion; the panel touched on issues such as the fact that there are more slaves in the world today than in the 1800s, the fact that girls in Afghanistan had acid thrown on their faces just for wanting to learn, the fact that in some cases domestic violence is seen as a pre-existing condition to insurance companies...I mean I could go on & on.

I definitely left the auditorium with a head filled to near explosion with facts and terrible statistics that have incited an even greater need to be active on my part. So I really wanted to make mention of the event from an audience perspective--it was great. Thanks & congrats to all involved.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SL Post 3?

I think this is post three.

My schedule is really baring down on me and preventing me from doing any SL hours. I wanted to attend the International Women's Day thing Ross is putting on, however it's the night before a huge midterm.

Hopefully, once my thesis is done, I can crank out some hours.

I do plan to attend the YWLP Girl Power Movie Night showing of "Real Women Have Curves" which tackles issues of class, race and gender. Although I am a YWLP facilitator, my attendance at this event is not mandatory. (Please let me know if that doesn't count!)

Service Learning: Interview #2

My second interview in Nicaragua was with the Director of Public Relations for the National Theater "Ruben Dario." This interview fell into my lap haphazardly as Senor Daniel just happened to know this women and thought I may be able to get something from her. Her position was not politically appointed but she informed me of the Theater's history of independence from the political process because of it's mission to bring culture to Nicaragua. The interview went somewhat slowly because her experiences in the revolution were few.

However, she told me one story that I found to be very interesting. Two years prior, the National Theater invited a dance group to the theater. When they were sent audition materials they based their decision on what they saw on the tapes. However, problems arose when the group performed the dance to the Nicaraguan public. Turns out there were several transvestite performers and what seemed to disturb people was the fact that they were transvestites. During this part of the performance the entire cast comes down, dances with the audience, on the audience, etc. and several patrons were upset because this "is not what they paid to see." While, this may not be something I can use in my project it was something startling about the view on sexuality in Nicaragua.

Service Learnings

I am involved in YWLP, the Young Women's Leadership Program, and the girl that I am mentoring is a part of a Puerto-Rican family. This definietly adds a transnational feminist aspect to it, as her family is very traditional in the sense of a hispanic mother-daughter bond, values, and lifestyle. I feel as though I am working on the akill of versatility and acceptance of different lifestyles, as that is an important and crucial aspect of transnational work, especially when one is coming from a standpoint of United States heavily-ethnocentric understanding. Each time that I travel, I am able to broaden my perspective about ways of thinking. Currently, she has entered in a beauty pagaent and I am trying to be supportive while firmly expressing my belief that certain areas of our society have been constructed in a way in which to promote competition and aggression amongst females. Also, her quincenera is being planned, and her older brother is a junior high school student in colorguard, which her mother does not much like, and so her mother favors her joining cheerleading instead.

For one week I collected petitions through the Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) for the Student Government to add a referendum to the student government association presidential elections in which students would vote for or against support of UCF purchasing merchandise from sweat-shop-free labor. Unfortunately not enough signatures were collected.

Another large project was a counter-action against the Genocide Awareness Project. We camped out in tents to reduce their space in half at 4 in the morning, worked out 'zoning' with campus police officers, and were present for the entirety of the day offering students a chance to speak with others about their views. I worked with NOW and VOX to do this, and am currently working on an "instruction manual" of sort to document the successes and shortcomings of the action. This relates to transnational feminism because of the historical genocide, and women's global access of and to reproductive rights.

Monday, March 1, 2010

SL VOX update

This week VOX continued to work on our donations for the Let's Talk About Sex Baby benefit at the end of March. We worked on changing the venue and talked about creating flyers to pass out around campus to promote. The president Abigail and I worked on getting allocated money from SGA to fund the Civil Liberties and Public Policy conference in April. About 6 of our members will be financially assisted with this funding. Abigail and I also researched the flights, room and board for those who will attend.

SL Update

This week in YWLP it was the big sister meeting, and we discussed our mutual identities and leadership. We played "get up and run" which was like musical chairs for our interests. We also did an exercise where one person was blind folded and the other 2 ppl had to guide them, but one couldn't talk and had to gesture while the other directed. I was the blindfolded person but our team did really well, and it showed how being a leader and communicating can come in many different forms, and you have to be aware of other people and their styles of expression.
I also received donation items for Let's Talk About Sex Baby! (Remember it is Saturday, March 27th at Peacock Room!) and talked with Fairvilla corporate about donating as well. I'll be contacting radios stations, ordering flyers and trying to get more donations.This week I'll be working with Abigail and Heather to try and get funding from SGA for VOX to go to the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference at Hampshire College. Wish us luck!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

SL 4

I have done a little research on which documentary that we would want to show, and I think it has been narrowed down. Also, I wanted to collaborate with another organization to show a documentary, but unfortunately they are no longer doing movies weekly like they were at Stardust. Instead we'll just show it on our on. We're planning on burning some dvds of the documentary and selling them for a fundraiser on a sliding scale, and then donate the money to go towards Haiti.

Service Learning 4 - Animal Safehouse

This week I tabled outside of the Student Union for four hours. I have been using the tables and chairs in the front because they are free, and I do not need to lug the furniture in addition to the other materials I use for tabling. There have been no cash donations, but many people have taken flyers.

bell hooks event


Meet in front of VAB (the side facing toward Alafaya) at 1 p.m. We will leave campus by 1:15 p.m. I have only had two people volunteer to drive, so if you are able to as well, please let me know as soon as possible. I estimated gas and tolls to be about $7 per person, so if you do not plan to drive, please bring some extra money. (I think bell hooks is also signing copies of a new book, so you may want to keep that in mind as well.)

My phone number is 352-650-8540. Call or text me if you need to reach me.


For more info. about the event:

SL Project and Announcement

Hey All A little update My SL project is going well and I wanted to let you all know that I am hosting a garage sale Saturday March 13 at my place of business. Which is Star Child Academy in Waterford Lakes which is right behind the town center next to firkin kegular Please come out a support this wonderful cause. I will remind everyone next week as well. Also some of you maybe aware of this alreasy and I will send an e-mail to everyone as well. but there is a event being held called the Tunnel of Opression It is being held on March 3rdand 4th in the Cape Florida Ball on the 3rd floor Tours are on March 3rd from 1-3pm and from 5-7pm then on March 4 from 10-12pm and 1-3pm for more information and to set up a tour if you want or to help out got to Ok eveyone who is going to the Bell Hooks speak have fun and enjoy everyone else see you in class